Bond Yield Calculator

Calculate the yield of your bond investment quickly and accurately.

Bond Yield (%)

Understanding the Bond Yield Calculation Formula

The bond yield calculation helps you determine the return on investment from holding a bond. The formula is:

Bond Yield (%) = 
  (Annual Coupon Rate * Face Value) 
  / Bond Price 
  * Coupon Frequency 
  * 100

Example Calculation

Suppose you have a bond with a face value of $1,000, a bond price of $950, an annual coupon rate of 3%, and 2 years to maturity with semi-annual coupon payments. The bond yield would be:

Bond Yield (%) = 
  (0.03 * 1,000) 
  / 950 
  * 2 
  * 100 = 6.32%

This indicates an effective annual yield of approximately 6.32% with semi-annual payments.

Why Bond Yield Matters for Investors

Bond yield is crucial for investors because it indicates the return they can expect from a bond relative to its market price. Higher yields often mean higher risk, while lower yields are generally associated with safer bonds. Understanding yield helps investors make informed decisions about risk and reward in their portfolios.